Friday, October 29, 2004

The Final Word on Bush
James S. McKay

Here's the bottom line on George Bush. He hasn't done much, but what he has done he's done badly.

On domestic issues, despite starting with record surpluses he's burdened our children and ruined the economy by running up the deficit in order to give ineffectual tax cuts to the rich. He has failed to fix social security and wants to turn it into a private investment scheme. Environmental groups are unanimous that he's been the worst environmental president ever. His perscription drug benefit is hopelessly complex and inadequate. His education policy is an unfunded mandate to already strapped local communities. He intends to pack the court with Justices like Scalia and Thomas who are sworn enemies of a woman's right to choose.

These problems of course pale next to the President's dangerous foreign policy escapades. He squandered a moment in time when America had world support for the first time since World War Two and poisoned our relations with most nations including many of our closest allies. He threw us into a war of choice saying that we'd be welcomed as liberators, there would be no casualties, and that the war would pay for itself, despite the prophetic warnings of world leaders and many of his own experts. He sent inadequate numbers of young Americans into harm's way with equipment so bad that they are beginnning to mutiny and refuse to fight. He made sure Iraq's oil fields were protected but forgot to secure 360 tons of explosives that can be used to bring down airliners, blow up troops, and detonate nuclear warheads. He unleashed new generations of young middle eastern men and women who now feel justified and heroic in blowing us up and beheading our citizens and our dwindling number of allies. He has mired us in a war that combines the bungling quagmire of Vietnam with the zealotry of the many holy wars that have plagued the history of mankind.

Like many people, the President's only "asset" turns out to be his greatest liability. His "resolve" has gotten us hopelessly stuck on a wrong and dangerous course. We need to get him out of office now. With a record like this, the election shouldn't even be close.


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